Rock's Positive K-9 Training Website has fantastic information for the dog owner. 

Some of the topics include:

Non-stop Barking, Barking,  Barking...

It is their job to bark when a stranger comes to the house but you should teach them that an OK command from you means everything is fine and your protector can stop making noise.

Is Your Dog Truly Nasty Or Does It Just Look That Way?

90% of the time the canine is just pretending aggression.

Taking Your Pet for a Walk Should be Fun and Relaxing

If you are one of those dog handlers whose left arm feels longer than the right one because your dog keeps jerking when you have them on a leash you need a new communication system with your pet.

Good Dog Behavior Should Start Early

The most important time in the dog's life to work on socialization is between 10 months and 24 months of age...and then continue for the rest of their lives.

Where Did Your Sandwich Go?

Some dogs steal food and paper products from the kitchen counters. We've even seen pets that can pick pockets!

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