Not a Bad Dog--

Just Bad Behavior


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Is There a Thief in Your Schaumburg House?

Many dog owners have a four-legged thief in their Schaumburg house.  Those of you with dogs that are more than 6 inches off the ground probably don’t worry about what we call counter surfing.  Some pets steal from the kitchen counters with food being most important and paper products second.  We’ve even seen dogs that can pick pockets!


Robbery happens from end tables and sometimes even snatching food from someone’s hand.  Another favorite is stealing shoes and toys or anything else on the floor or slightly higher.


There are some unique ways to end this behavior but it does take patience and consistency.  Similar training can be done to stop counter surfing or garbage rummaging, however any canine will go through garbage with what the dog considers “goodies.”  When it comes to a yummy Schaumburg garbage can, its best to put them where the dog can’t get at it.


Call dog behaviorist, Frank Allison for a solution to this problem.  Or, schedule a private session and have Frank experience first hand the "sandwich snatcher" in your Schaumburg home.


Stop Counter Surfing near Schaumburg, IL