Not a Bad Dog--

Just Bad Behavior


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Non-stop Barking, Barking, Barking...

How Can You Stop The Noise?

Heredity gave dogs voices but there are steps to correct most of the sounds that come from your pet.  Dogs in Caledonia that bark at the sound of the family's doorbell or a knock on the door need to be taught your preferred doggy behavior.  It is their job to bark when an unknown person comes to your Caledonia house but you should train them that an "okay" from you means everything is fine and your dog guardian can stop barking.

Another concern we hear from dog owners is the whining at objects such as vacuum cleaners or wheelchairs. These are all things a dog can learn to live with quietly. Watching out the window and barking at your Caledonia neighbors and their dogs should not be tolerated bad dog behavior either.  This "distance" barking can be corrected through training sometimes needing a mild zap collar so you can correct your pet from inside the home.  It really doesn't take long for them to learn.


It's important for you to remember that a dog's hearing is over 200x better than your hearing.  He can hear his dog food being taken out of the car truck in the garage.  He will respond with his voice.  You just need to learn how to teach your canine when it's time to be quiet when they hear the correct signal.


If your dog's behavior problem is an issue you would like to correct, please give Frank Allison, dog behaviorist a call or click to set up an appointment.  Frank would be happy to schedule a private session in your Caledonia house.

Get Help for your Dogs Non-Stop Barking near Caledonia, WI